A historian of science and technology in contemporary South Korea
- Personalize your work experience to the job ad and incorporate important achievements to stand out.
- Use strong verbs to describe your responsibilities.
- Keep your description to three or four main points.
- Personalize your work experience to the job ad and incorporate important achievements to stand out.
- Use strong verbs to describe your responsibilities.
- Keep your description to three or four main points.
- Mention the skills you’ve learned
- Mention the skills you’ve learned
Work Experiences
- Mention the skills you’ve learned
- Mention the skills you’ve learned
Other relevant works
[email protected]
22, Tteokjeon 5-gil, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju-si, Jeonbuk-do, 54932, Rep. of KOREA
- Postdoc researcher, The Korean Research Institute of Science, Technology and Civilization, Jeonbuk National University
Research Interest
- History of Science, Technology and Medicine
- Gender relationship, material culture, history of ordinary people
- 2023, DOCTOR PHILOSOPHIAE, Department of History and Social Sciences, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
- 2018, M.S. in Interdisciplinary Program in History and Philosophy of Science, Seoul National University, South Korea
- 2008, B.S. in Atmospheric Science, Seoul National University, South Korea
- Youngju Lee, “Controlling Their Own Bodies: Adolescents’ Interpreting Menstruation Knowledge and Appropriating Technologies in the 1970s–1980s, South Korea,” The Journal of Women’s History (forthcoming)
- Young Lee, “Intimate Mediators: Field Workers in the National Family Planning Program, South Korea, 1960–1980s,” The Korean Journal for the History of Science, 46(2) (2024): 323-352.
- 이영주, “한국 피임기술의 풍경과 여성 사용자들, 1950-1990 (The Landscape of Contraceptive Technology and Female Users in South Korea, 1950–1990),” 『과학기술학연구』, 23(1) (2024): 1–34.
- 이영주, “1960-1980년대 한국 월경 기술의 역사: 생리대, 탐폰, 경구 피임약, 그리고 기술 사용자들(A History of Menstrual Technology in South Korea, 1960s-80s: Menstrual Pads, Tampons, Oral Contraceptive Pills, and Users),” 『과학기술과 사회』, 5 (2023): 47–73.
- 이영주, “서평: 월경을 보는 새로운 렌즈, 생리용품의 역사 다나카 히카루, 『생리용품의 사회사』,” 『과학기술과 사회』, 3 (2023): 222–230.
- Hariry, Shorouk El, Mikael Hård, Youngju Lee, Mariya Petrova, and Dennis Yazici “Toward a Global History of Material Culture.” TG Technikgeschichte 88(2) (2021): 180-184.
Presentations and lectures
- 2024, “대하(帶下) 개념의 변화로 본 20세기 한국 의사-환자-제약 산업의 상호작용(The Evolving Concept of Taeha: Interactions Between Physicians, Patients, and the Pharmaceutical Industry in 20th-Century Korea),” 2024 전국역사학대회, 과학사분과, 서울.
- 2024, “의사보다 친밀하고 병원보다 가까운: 1차 의료 제공자로서 한국 약사의 역할, 1950년대-1990년대 (Closer than Physicians, More Accessible than Hospitals: The Role of Korean Pharmacists as Primary Healthcare Providers, 1950s–1990s),” 제6회 한국근현대과학사 워크샵, 전주
- 2023, “한국 월경 기술의 역사: 생리대, 탐폰, 경구피임약, 그리고 사용자들 (The History of Menstrual Technologies in Korea: Sanitary Pads, Tampons, Oral Contraceptives, and Their Users),” 과학, 기술 사회 심포지움, 대전.
- 2023, “성과 젠더 분석은 어떻게 더 나은 과학기술을 만드는가 (How Sex and Gender Analysis Leads to Better Science and Technology)?” 제65회 한국 진공학회 여성위원회 특별 세션 초청강연, 제주.
- 2023, “Women Users of Feminine Technologies in South Korea”, KAIST STP Colloquium, Daejeon, South Korea
- 2021, “Girls’ Menstrual Knowledge, Technology, Bodies and the Formation of Citizenship in South Korea in the 1970s”, Association for Korean Studies in Europe(AKSE) 30th Conference, La Rochelle, France.
- 2021, “기술사에서 여성 포착하기: 일상 기술과 여성 사용자들을 중심으로 (Capturing Women in the History of Technology: Focusing on Everyday Technologies and Female Users),” 이화인문연구소 콜로키움 (Online)
- 2020, “Bodily Technologies and Menstrual Management in South Korea, 1970–1980s”, Society for the History of Technology(SHOT) Virtual Forum 2020. (was to be held in New Orleans, The United States)
- 2020, “New Forms of Nurture for a New Nation: Conflicts over Contraceptives in South Korea, 1970-1990”, International Committee for the History of Technology(ICOHTEC) 2020 Digital. (was to be held Eindhoven, Netherlands)
- 2019, “Changes in Menstrual Technologies and the New Perception of the Menstrual Body in South Korea, 1960-1980s”, International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia(ICHSEA) 2019. Jeonju, South Korea.
- 2018, “생리대와 월경하는 여성의 몸: 1960년대 중반-1980년대를 중심으로(Menstrual Pads and the Menstruating Female Body, the mid-1960s to the 1980s in South Korea),” 한국과학사학회 봄 학술대회, 성남.
- 2016, “대중, 과학에 대해 말하다: 정재승의 『과학콘서트』 독자 서평을 통해 보는 대중의 과학 이해(Understanding the Public Understanding of Science Through Book Reviews of Jae-seung Jeong's Science Concert),” 제6회 서울대 전북대 카이스트 한양대 학생 워크샵, 서울.
Work Experiences
- 2023-current, Postdoc researcher, National Research Foundation of Korea Research Project “A History of Modern Korea through the Eye of Transnational Co-evolution of Science, Public Health, and Society (과학 보건 사회의 초국적 공진화로 본 한국현대사),” Funded by National Research Foundation of Korea, The Korean Research Institute of Science, Technology and Civilization, Jeonbuk National University, South Korea.
- 2019-2023, Doctoral Research Fellow, European Research Council(ERC) Research Project “A Global History of Technology, 1850-2000,” Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
- 2018-2019, Writing tutor, SNU Writing Center at Facultuy of Liberal Education at Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea.
- 2013-2015, Journalist, The Scientific Magazine for Children Kwahakchaengi [Scienist], Seoul, South Korea.
- Book Editor, Woong-jin Thinkbig, Seoul, South Korea.
- Reading Contemporary Korean Society through Technology (offered in English), Jeonbuk National University.
- 2023 spring semester
- 2023 fall semester
- Global Innovation and Development (offered in English), Jeonbuk National University, South Korea.
- Understanding History of Science (offered in English), Jeonbuk National University, South Korea.
- 2023 fall semester semester
- 테크노사이언스의 역사와 철학(History and Philosophy of Technoscience), Seoul National University, South Korea
- 2023 fall semester
- 2024 fall semester
- 약사윤리(Pharmaceutical Ethics), Catholic University, South Korea